In the Autumn of 2021, five current and one former member of TML took on the London bridge challenge - a 16-mile walk which took in sixteen of London's landmark bridges. The aim was to raise money for wheelchairs and riser recliner chairs for both Basildon Hospital Stroke Unit, and for people in the community with mobility challenges.

The walk started at Putney Bridge at 10am, where the weather was surprisingly pleasant for Autumn. The team of six, whose ages ranged from their 20s to their 60s, was in good spirits. As the day went on, everyone enjoyed seeing new and interesting parts of London, and a steady pace was held, with only a half hour break for lunch.

At 5pm they arrived at their destination - Tower Bridge. Looking back down the river, they all felt a real sense of achievement. It was a Saturday well spent, and which raised funds for a very worthy cause.